LEGAL: Privacy Policy, Earning Disclaimer, Guarantee
Last Updated on May 14, 2020
Information provided by you will be held in the strictest of confidence and only shared with only those 3rd parties necessary in order to deliver the products, services or information you’ve requested or paid for to receive. I’d hate to see you go! But, in every email, there is an unsubscribe link which will remove you from further mass email communications. Alternatively, you can contact us anytime via email or postal mail to submit your opt-out request. Send an email to or send postal mail to: Hunnicutt Enterprises, Attn: Opt-out, 1611 Spring Gate Lane, Unit 371095 , Las Vegas, NV 89137 and your request will be processed within 10-days or less from the date of receipt of your request.
Any income claims shared by my students, friends, or clients are understood to be true and accurate, but are not verified in any way. Always do your own due diligence and use your own judgment when making buying decisions and investments in your business.
Concepts and strategies shared by Kevin Hunnicutt via or or by any email communication from these sites are ideas that have worked for members of our team, students, clients, and friends, but are not guaranteed to work for you. I simply don’t know what you’re going to do with this information. It’s no different than going to college. If you learn something new, you can run with it in your own way, but there’s no guarantee you’ll be successful. The strategies, advice and information shared is for educational purposes only. It is not specific advice for your business. Always use your own judgment and/or get the advice of professionals to find the right strategies for you and your business and your particular situation.
If you purchase anything through links provided to you from us, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be compensated in some way. I recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.
If for any reason you would like a refund, your request must be received at least one business day prior to any automatic renewals and will be approved at our sole discretion. If a refund is awarded, only one month of monthly recurring charges is available to you for a refund, so it’s imperative that you contact us in a timely manner prior to any renewals. That said, refunds are not the norm. If you’ve signed up for an educational or informational program and request a refund, you may be required to demonstrate that you’ve made a good faith effort to implement what is being shared or taught. This guarantee is not a 100% money-back guarantee for no reason, but a guarantee that you will get at least break-even results for the cost of our program, and that if you fail to achieve results that are at least break-even to your investment in our program, that you will allow me or one or more of my team members to assist you in implementing the plan as outlined in the program to help you achieve these results at a minimum, in a reasonable amount of time. Implementation assistance in lieu of a refund is also at our sole discretion. If a refund is due, it will be sent via check drawn on a US Bank and mailed via US Postal Service to the address you have provided. In general, refund requests are not genuine without your good faith effort to implement our program over at least a 30-day period. If you aren’t willing to invest at least a month in the program, it’s probably better to not start in the first place. It’s my personal belief that your effort might pay off more than you expect! But, you’ll never know unless you try.
I look forward to working with you toward your success!
Kevin Hunnicutt
Creator of the Advisor Marketing Formula
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